Making Parachutes.

Making Parachutes.

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Making Sock Puppets.

Making Sock Puppets.
We were looking at books about puppets and found a book with instructions about how to make sock puppets.
So Room 10 made a plan!
We wrote a letter together to our families to ask if anyone had any spare or odd socks.
Lots of socks came to school.
We carefully read the instructions in our book, collected everything we needed and set to work.
We found that the instructions were easy to follow and everyone made a really cool cat sock puppet.

Here are the instructions - maybe you could make a sock puppet at home.

Room 10 with our cat sock puppets.


  1. I love your very cute cat sock puppets Room 10. Maybe you could show some of the other classes how to make them during Fun Friday.

  2. What awesome sock puppets room 10. How clever!
    From Mrs James


Fun Friday on PhotoPeach

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How does water change?

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