Making Parachutes.

Making Parachutes.

Thursday 26 September 2013

The End of Term 3.
It is hard to believe that this is the end of Term 3.  I have had a great term with all our children in Room 10 and I am looking forward to the learning and exciting times we will have together in Term 4.

 Thank you to all those families who were able to go to Baycourt to view our art           exhibition.  Room 10 really enjoyed our bus trip to Baycourt to see our work on display and couldn't believe how amazing our art looked.   We think it is it pretty special that even though we are only 6 years old we are already artists who have had their work exhibited at Baycourt.

Thank you for all your support with your child's learning  this term, I look forward to seeing you all next term.


Things we did in Term 3.

We got to meet the Steamers.
We had a big Art Exhibition.
We did soccer skills.
We had a disco.
We did hockey skills.
We had Fun Friday.
We did narrative writing.
Our whole school went on the bus to the Art Exhibition. 
We did science experiments to find out how things change.
We did writing and reading and maths nearly every day.
We learnt about fractions for maths.
We did more learning about addition and take away.
We started having milk at school.
We played rugby.
We walked to the letterbox to post our postcards.
We do lots of reading.
We went on the bus to the Tauranga Art Gallery to see Jeff Thomsons art.
We did handwriting.
We had end of the day quizzes.
We are all on spelling notebooks now.
We learnt about vowels and consonants.
We learnt about alphabetical order.
We found out what comppound words are.
We made get well cards for Aria.
We went to Cool Bananas on Thursdays.
We had fun working and playing with our friends.
We kept learning about the Bellevue values, respect,resilience,responsibility and resourcefulness.
We had great fun in Room 10.
WALT write sentences that have a capital letter and full stop.

Shared writing by all of Room 10.




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