Making Parachutes.

Making Parachutes.

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Bellevue 500
The Bellevue 500 was another successful fundraiser for our school. Thank you to all the sponsors who sponsored children to run laps in their special custom made cardbox cars! A fantastic effort was made by all and everyone had an awesome day of racing.  Well done to the Maserati team who completed the most laps.  Team Maserati are the Bellevue 500 winners of 2013!!!!!!!


  1. This event is so great every year, we really look forward to it.
    From Lucy's mum.

  2. Kia ora Mrs James and Room 10. Congratulations Team Maserati. It's so nice to see everyone having such a wonderful time. I love the cars you made out of banana boxes, I can see you've put lots of time and effort into making them. Hope you're looking after Mrs James, Room 10 because she is such an awesome teacher.
    Missing you lots, Kathy Johnson

  3. I love the bellevue school 500 from nico.


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