Making Parachutes.

Making Parachutes.

Friday 22 November 2013

We have been learning about when to use speech marks in our writing.
Ella, Lucy and Violet used our Ipad to make a video to explain what they have learnt.
Filmed by Violet.
Narrated by Ella and Lucy..

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Today we made paper planes because we were wondering how planes fly. This is what we discovered.

The wind and air pushes under the wings to help keep the plane up in the sky.   Nico

Planes have very strong engines that help them lift up off the ground.   Lucy

The wings lift plane up because the top of the wing is round the bottom of the wing is flat. Isaac

The engine helps the plane to fly.   Tayla

Planes have tails to help them change direction. Violet

A planes wing is shaped like birds wing so they can keep in the air.   Cayin

The tail helps the planes change direction.  Tara


Monday 18 November 2013

We were very excited to get an email from Mrs James in Jakarta.  The school she is working at sounds different to Bellevue, no fields to play on and lots more children.
Can you find where in the world Jakarta is?
Have a look on the world globe in our classroom.
Hello Everyone,
Hi room 10.  How are you all? I have just checked on the school blog and seen all the exciting things you have been doing.  You certainly have been busy beavers. I have noticed how much taller you have all got since I last saw you too. I saw your art exhibition work and thought it was amazing!!!!!! What a great job – what stunning artists you have become. You must be very tired now that school is coming to an end, not long to go Mrs Lawrence!  It is currently week 4 in Term 2 here in Jakarta.  (Sigh) But it is a short term of only 8 weeks so we finish on the same day as you. (I think)  But I only have 3 and a half weeks off and not 6 weeks like you!
My school year in Jakarta finishes in June next year!  A very long school year for Mrs James!
I noticed how lovely the weather is in your photos.  You must be getting excited about summer coming and the warmer weather. In Jakarta there is only 2 seasons.  The dry season and the rainy season. We have just started the rainy season now.  So nearly every day it rains for an hour or so then clears up. There is also some amazing thunder and lightning storms. Extremely scary! But it never lasts long. The weather is still very hot averaging about 27 degrees daily. Sometimes the roads flood in Jakarta and the traffic is terribly busy.  It can take us a long time to get to school and go home. However every day is an interesting one with some hilarious sights.  One day we saw a family of 5 squashed on to a motor scooter!!!!! Mr James brought a motor scooter the other day because it is faster to get a round on, but our family is not going to try and squash on it!!!!!
Our school recently had a Halloween disco. My daughters enjoyed dressing up and doing all the fun scary activities. They had a haunted house, games, trick or treating and dancing.  My class have been doing an inquiry on how our world is part of an interconnected system (Space). We had a lot of fun exploring the solar system and doing shapes for maths.  My class walked around the school and  they drew the shapes they saw.  The field is the only green space we have to play on.  Lots of the teachers use motorbikes to come to school
Well I had better go to bed now. It is 9.30pm here in Jakarta which is about 3.30 in the morning in New Zealand.  You should be all fast asleep as I write this. Enjoy the rest of your term Room 10.  Hope to hear how you all are soon.  Take care and work hard!
PS My class is on Assembly next week and I am a little bit nervous.  There are lots of children and lots and lots of parents that turn up to video and take pictures of the children.  My class are so excited about hosting it.  I will get some photos and email to you. Should be a goodie!!!!!
Take care everyone,
Kind Regards,
Mrs James

Sunday 27 October 2013

Meeting the All Blacks!
On Friday Room 10 was invited to OtumoetaI College to meet some All Blacks!
Here we are with Liam Messam.and Israel Dagg.

We watched them train with the Otumoetai College rugby boys, then they came over to talk to us and some of us were lucky enough to get their autographs.
The other All Blacks we saw were; Frank Halai, Steven Luatua and Tony Woodcock.
What an exciting morning for Room 10.
Go the All Blacks.


Sunday 20 October 2013

Drinking Milk at School
We have all been enjoying drinking our milk after lunch at school.
On Friday as we were drinking our milk some children started to ask some interesting questions about milk at school.
So we got into pairs and did some shared writing and then shared our ideas on a PMI.
Here is a photo of us all drinking our milk and the thinking we did.
Now we need to do some work so we can answer our questions.



Thursday 17 October 2013

The Missing Sock.
Lucy and her Mum have a funny missing sock story.
Lucy took her sock puppet home which was made from one of her Mums favourite socks as they couldn't find the other one.
Guess what they found down the side of the washing machine!
Here is Lucys email and photo of her Mums new socks.
Hello Mrs Lawrence,
After we were joking about lost socks today and how the missing sock would turn up now after puppet making, well guess what we found down the side of the washing machine this avo !! Have sent you a photo of my new pair of socks…
 From Lucy and Adele

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Making Sock Puppets.

Making Sock Puppets.
We were looking at books about puppets and found a book with instructions about how to make sock puppets.
So Room 10 made a plan!
We wrote a letter together to our families to ask if anyone had any spare or odd socks.
Lots of socks came to school.
We carefully read the instructions in our book, collected everything we needed and set to work.
We found that the instructions were easy to follow and everyone made a really cool cat sock puppet.

Here are the instructions - maybe you could make a sock puppet at home.

Room 10 with our cat sock puppets.

Fun Friday on PhotoPeach

How does water change?

How does water change?

Hockey time